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cheer athlete strong

Your truth is our strength
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We Believe a safer cheer industry is necessary

Coaches should be the most ethical persons in an organization. Our unifying core mission is to urge them to create a positive and safe environment free from abusive coaching, fear of retribution, bullying, and inadequate training methods for all cheer and dance athletes world-wide.

our non-negotiables

standard of care

reduce expenses

focus of competition

athlete representation

our resources

We are reaching out to the best in the world of sports to seek guidance, gather information and have resources for our athletes.


CHILD USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank that conducts evidence-based legal, medical, and social science research to identify laws and policies affecting child protection. With these facts, CHILD USA shines a light on the better pathways to truly protect kids from abuse and prevent neglect.



Serves as a force multiplier for civil society groups and trade unions working to promote the rights of everyone affected by sport, including children, women, activists, journalists, LGBTI+ people, fans, athletes, and workers.



“For survivors struggling with their truth, or friends and family looking for more information, these resources are here to help”


Abuse of athletes happens. We are committed to ending this, whatever label is used: abuse, violence or harassment. Safe Sport International (SSI) is addressing and coordinating this issue in partnership and collaboration. SSI is the international agency leading on the elimination, globally, of all forms of violence, abuse and harassment against athletes of all ages.



We wish to thank our friends at HBO Max: Real Sports for bringing the athlete voice forward—a special thanks to Bryant Gumbel, Mary Carillo and Max Gershberg

yOur Story—Our Voice

The Cheer Athlete Strong Initiative represents cheer and dance athletes around the world wanting change. Athletic training, in any sport, should be 100% geared for athlete safety and always free from all spectrums of abuse. Being the principle and only athlete voice in the industry, we are united by love of our sport, by our friendships and our strength to push forward for a voice to be heard.

Cheer athletes world-wide are encouraged to reach out and speak their truth. Regardless of the type of abuse you have endured, or no abuse at all, whether it is a silent voice or one wishing to be heard publically, there is a place for you…we are here for you. Collectively, we can and will make changes in the sport we all love.

We are not a reporting agency. We are cheer and dance athletes wanting better for our sport.

Our collective voice is what matters.

Our collective desire for healthy and meaningful change is what matters.

The athlete voice is what matters.

Female cheer face contemplating

we are world-wide inclusive

We welcome all athletes without discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national or country origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, genetic information, disability, language, socioeconomic status, veteran status or marital status. We are encouraging to those who have been abused, belittled, harassed and scorned. We are encouraging those who just want to make a change in our sport…we need all of us together.

Our global Minimum requests for coaches

Behavioral science tells us to never use conditioning as a discipline tool, under any circumstances

Amid the fast pace of coaching, it can be easy to forget we, the athlete, are not less than you, the coach 

Understand, athletes who participate in decisions are more motivated to carry them out

Instead of superiority, we need to feel you as coaches trust us, believe in us, and that you see us as equal humans

As a coach, always model the behavior you want to encourage in us as athletes

Along with asking for our opinion, provide us the space to make decisions on our own, ensuring we have the your support in whatever those decisions are

Praising accomplishments, however small, will make us feel proud; letting us do things independently will make us feel capable and strong

By contrast, belittling comments or comparing one athlete unfavorably with another will make us feel worthless

At times, as young athletes, we aren’t good at regulating our emotions, but coaches can—you are the adults and need to guide us, not demand us

Strive to nurture and encourage us—make sure we know that although you, as the coach, want and expect better next time, your care is there no matter what

Be aware that as a coach, you’re constantly being watched by us—studies  show that athletes display what they have as role models in their life. What you do makes a difference—the athletes are always watching 

Simple ways athletes communicate joy, the honesty in our voice and the vulnerability in our questions leave a newfound joy for what we are becoming—recognize and embrace this courage

For safety, we understand discipline is necessary in every gym and the goal of discipline is to help us choose acceptable behaviors, learn self-control, all leading to a safer environment

Choose your words carefully and be compassionate—let us know that everyone makes mistakes and that you, as coaches, still care for and appreciate us as athletes and humans, even when you don’t care for our behavior


Understand, athletes who are negatively disciplined are more prone to showing aggression with other athletes, are more likely to be bullies and more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others

Above all, treat us the way you expect others to treat you

Athlete Survey

Solo Eligibility

18 years and older, retired or current

Eligibility w/parent

13-17 years, retired or current

All surveys are identical. Parent must grant permission for their athlete if they are 13-17 yrs. ALL INFORMATION IS ANONYMOUS, COMBINED, COLLATED AND THEN PUBLISHED

Survey Details


To provide the cheer and dance industry with vital information on the athletes thoughts and understanding

Completely anonymous

All answers are confidential and anonymous. We are only interested in what the answers tell us

Results combined & collated

Results received are combined and collated and published here. Our partners will use the information to help steer us in the right areas to help us

Your truth is our strength

The more information and understanding we gather and share with those both outside and inside the industry, the safer we make the sport for us, the athlete